
This paper illustrates a methodology for multi-criteria analysis of CCS chains by comparing two transports technologies for a case study in which 10 Mt/y of CO2 from an industrial cluster are transported over 500km by onshore pipeline and CO2 shipping. This case study compares not only project costs but also other criteria such as the greenhouse gas emissions, the energies and cooling water consumptions etc. The multi-criteria analysis of the two cases shows that the pipeline technology exhibits the best key performance indicators except regarding the initial investment. Indeed the pipeline transport is less expensive, consumes much less utilities (fuel, water and electricity) and is less climate intensive than the shipping transport. The shipping transport required however lower upfront investments for similar overall project costs. A consequence of this might be that even if the pipeline transport has most of the best criteria, shipping might be used during the first CCS chains deployment in order to limit investment upfront, and therefore financial risk, while pipeline transport will be used in a well established CO2 market.

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