
Multi-century climate simulations obtained with the GISS atmospheric general circulation model coupled to the hybrid-isopycnic ocean model HYCOM are described. Greenhouse gas concentrations are held fixed in these experiments to investigate the coupled model’s ability to reproduce the major features of today’s climate with minimal drift. Emphasis is placed on the realism of the oceanic general circulation and its effect on air–sea exchange processes. Several model runs using different closures for turbulent vertical exchange as well as improvements to reduce vertical numerical diffusion are compared with climate observations. As in previous studies, the Southern Ocean emerges as the Achilles Heel of the ocean model; deficiencies in its physical representation had far-reaching consequences in early experiments with the coupled model and have provided the strongest impetus for model improvement. The overarching goal of this work is to add diversity to the pool of ocean models available for climate prediction and thereby reduce biases that may stand in the way of assessing climate prediction uncertainty.

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