
In today's modern era, the Islamic economy in Indonesia is growing very rapidly. This can be seen from the number of financial products that have been implemented by Islamic Financial Institutions, such as gold products with multiple contracts. But of course each of these products must be reviewed first from its halal. This is where the role of the ulama is needed, especially in reviewing and assessing the halalness of LKS products.This study uses a type of library research with a qualitative approach, with the main source of Erwandi Tarmizi's book entitled Harta Haram Muamalat Contemporary. This research is descriptive analytic, where the researcher analyzes and presents the data systematically. The results of the study indicate that Erwandi Tarmizi's opinion on the golden rahn law with multiple contracts should not be carried out because it is not in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet, as well as with the consensus of the scholars and the International Sharia Financial Institution (AAOIFI). The contract is prohibited from closing the usury gap (sadd al-dzari'ah), unless the need is a clearly required cost, in this case the cost is the cost of storing gold that is pawned without taking profit from this fee. The analysis of Islamic law on Erwandi Tarmizi's opinion about the golden rahn law with multiple contracts that it should not be carried out is appropriate, because it is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet shalallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the consensus of the scholars and sadd al dzari'ah.


  • In today's modern era, the Islamic economy in Indonesia is growing very rapidly. This can be seen from the number of financial products that have been implemented by Islamic Financial Institutions, such as gold products with multiple contracts

  • Each of these products must be reviewed first from its halal. This is where the role of the ulama is needed, especially in reviewing and assessing the halalness of LKS products.This study uses a type of library research with a qualitative approach, with the main source of Erwandi Tarmizi's book entitled Harta Haram Muamalat Contemporary

  • The results of the study indicate that Erwandi Tarmizi's opinion on the golden rahn law with multiple contracts should not be carried out because it is not in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet, as well as with the consensus of the scholars and the International Sharia Financial Institution (AAOIFI)

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KAJIAN LITERATUR Multi Akad Dalam Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Multi dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti banyak, lebih dari satu, lebih dari dua, berlipat ganda. (Tim Penyusun, 1996). Multi dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti banyak, lebih dari satu, lebih dari dua, berlipat ganda. Sedangkan akad berasal dari bahasa Arab al-‘aqd yang secara etimologi berarti perikatan, perjanjian, dan pemufakatan. Akad berarti pertalian ijab (pernyataan melakukan ikatan) dan qabul (pernyataan penerimaan ikatan) sesuai dengan kehendak syariat yang berpengaruh kepada objek perikatan. Multi akad berarti akad berganda atau akad yang banyak, lebih dari satu. Multi akad dalam bahasa Inggris disebut hybrid contract. Kata hybrid dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan istilah “hibrida” digunakan pertama kali sebagai istilah bagi hasil persilangan antara dua individu dengan geneotipe berbeda. Kata multi akad merupakan terjemahan dari kata Arab yaitu (al-‘uqud al-murakkabah). (Abdullah Al-‘Imrani, 1431 H) Pengertian murakkab menurut para ulama fikih Himpunan beberapa hal sehingga disebut dengan satu nama. Seseorang menjadikan beberapa hal menjadi satu hal (satu nama) dikatakan sebagai melakukan penggabungan (tarkib)

Pro Kontra Multi Akad dalam Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Larangan safqatain fi safqah
Emas Dengan Multi Akad
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