
The aim of this research is to develop a prototype of a multi-agent systems (MAS), which manages the resources and activities in a smart classroom (SaCI). We developed three specific objectives. First, we designed the architecture of the MAS that manages the resources and activities in a virtual learning environment (VLE), for which we used the related works on MAS in a VLE. Second, we implement the architecture of the MAS, the prototype proposed has been called GREAC (Gestion de Recursos y Actividades), which considers the learning style (LS) of the student to manage the resources and activities in an adaptive way, and uses the methodology Prometheus, Moodle 3.6 (VLE), and the framework Jade, for the development of the prototype of the MAS. Third, we evaluated the prototype GREAC in a SaCI in an academic context. In the evaluation participated 54 students from the Universidad Nacional de Loja, of the Carrera de Ingenieria en Sistemas. As a result of the evaluation by the students, we obtained a level of satisfaction 92.6 %. Finally, this work concludes that the implementation of a MAS in a VLE allows the dynamic management of resources and activities, taking into account the students LS, allowing an adaptive and personalized management.

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