
Since a collective rights management organization is formed directly by right holders and acts within the framework of powers received from them under the contract, it can be said that the activities of such an organization are membership-based. In this case, we say that the association of entities to form a legal entity for the protection of copyright is expressed in the management of these rights on a collective basis. Membership of rights holders in the organization is one of the important elements characterizing collective management organization. These reforms are related to issues such as ensuring the rights and legal interests of authors, putting an end to the unauthorized use of copyrighted works, fair payment of copyrights and strengthening accountability measures for copyright violations. In addition, a large number of cases of unauthorized use of author’s works and non-fair payment of copyright to authors indicate the growing need to develop the institution of collective management of author’s property rights. In our country, there are a number of issues that are waiting for their solution, and the regulation of copyright-legal relations, in particular, collective management of copyrights in its protection, and the research of the processes related to the copyright contract are urgent tasks. In addition, the article focuses on some current problems related to the improvement of this institution, international standards of copyright protection and comparative legal analysis of national legislation, as well as the opinions of scientists from Uzbekistan and other countries. Proposals and recommendations of scientific and practical importance for the development of copyright were put forward.

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