
In water deficit area (rainfed area), judicious use of water is essential for increasing area under fruit and vegetables crop production with limited water supply. Use of moisture conservation measures is essential under rainfed situation. Mulching has been advocated as an effective means for conserving soil moisture. Mulching is a soil and water conservation technique in which the use of organic materials like plant residues, straw, leaves, peat, etc. and synthetic materials like paper, polyethylene, wax coated papers, steel foils and asphalt spray emulsions etc. for the purpose of increasing soil productivity is involved. This practice is very useful in protecting the roots of the plants from heat, cold or drought or to keep fruit clean. It checks evaporation and conserves the soil moisture, prevents weed growth and enhances the soil structure in which a plant is growing. This may include temperature moderation, salinity and weed control. It exerts decisive effects on earliness, yield and quality of the crop. Mulching is also applicable to most field crops. However, it is preferred in fruit orchard, flower and vegetable production, nurseries and forest where frequent cultivation is not required for raising the crops. Most commonly used agricultural mulch is black plastic. Weed control beneath the mulch is a deterrent to its use. White or aluminum reflective mulch is used where soil cooling is desired, such as establishing fall crops during the heat of summer. The present review deals with the discussion of every aspect of mulching and how it has beneficiary effect.

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