
This article examines the impact of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on the legal policies regulating COVID-19 vaccination. The MUI fatwa is a religious edict issued by a prominent Islamic institution in Indonesia that outlines the halal status, benefits, and safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination-related legal policies are crucial for assuring public health protection and combating the pandemic. The MUI fatwa can guide the government and related institutions when formulating legal policies regarding COVID-19 vaccination. This article will discuss in detail how the MUI Fatwa contributes to the formulation of legal procedures in Indonesia regarding the regulation of COVID-19 vaccination. This article examines the effect of the MUI Fatwa on government decision-making, the implementation of rules, and the COVID-19 vaccination program in Indonesia. This article will identify key aspects of the MUI Fatwa that impact legal policies relating to COVID-19 vaccination through a qualitative approach incorporating literature studies and statutory regulation approaches. In addition, this article will assess the benefits and drawbacks of the contribution of the MUI Fatwa and provide suggestions for enhancing the role and efficacy of the MUI Fatwa in Indonesian legal policies concerning COVID-19 vaccination. By understanding the assistance of the MUI Fatwa to legal procedures regarding the regulation of COVID-19 vaccination, it is hoped that this article will provide policymakers, related institutions, and the general public with valuable insights for addressing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and promoting effective and sustainable vaccination efforts.

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