
This paper delves into the exploration of economic principles within Qur’anic exegesis. The focus centers on the elucidation of economic equity by, Muhammad Amin al-Shinqiti, as expounded in his tafsir “Adwa’ al-Bayan fī Idah al-Qur’an bi al-Qur’an.” A key emphasis is placed on al-Shinqiti’s comprehensive analysis of economic equity within Surah al-Hasyr [59]: 7. Additionally, al-Shinqiti contextualizes the verse to argue that the booty (al-fay’), as mentioned in the verse, should be reclaimed and channeled into state revenues. Employing Hassan Hanafi’s social hermeneutics framework, this article draws the conclusion that al-Shinqiti critically evaluates both capitalist and socialist economic theories. Al-Shinqiti, through his interpretation, asserts that the fundamental essence of the verse is the eradication of favoritism, thus propelling the attainment of economic equity. Al-Shinqiti distinguishes economic equality from economic equity, contending that the former is an unattainable objective. Furthermore, he advocates for an Islamic economic system characterized by a limited free economy, impartial distribution of state resources, and a focus on the comprehensive welfare of society. This exploration sheds light on Al-Shinqiti’s nuanced perspective on economic principles and provides valuable insights into the Islamic economic framework.

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