
Quantitative optical polarimetry has received considerable recent attention owing to its potential for being an efficient diagnosis and characterizing tool with potential applications in biomedical research and various other disciplines. In this regard, it is crucial to validate various Mueller matrix (MM) decomposition methods, which are utilized to extract and quantify the intrinsic individual polarization anisotropy properties of various complex optical media. To quantitatively compare the performance of both polar and differential MM decomposition methods for probing the structural and morphological changes in complex optical media through analyzing their intrinsic individual polarization parameters, which are extracted using the respective decomposition algorithms. We also intend to utilize the decomposition-derived anisotropy parameters to distinguish among the cervical tissues with different grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and to characterize the healing efficiency of an organic crystal. Polarization MM of the cervical tissues with different grades of CIN and the different stages of the self-healing crystal are recorded with a home-built MM imaging setup in the transmission detection geometry with a spatial resolution of . The measured MMs are then processed with both the polar and differential MM decomposition methods to extract the individual polarization parameters of the respective samples. The derived polarization parameters are further analyzed to validate and compare the performance of both the MM decomposition methods for probing and characterizing the structural changes in the respective investigated optical media through their decomposition-derived intrinsic individual polarization properties. Pronounced differences in the decomposed-derived polarization anisotropy parameters are observed for cervical tissue sections with different grades of CIN. While a significant increase in the depolarization parameter is obtained with the increment of CIN stages for both the polar [ for CIN grade one (CIN-I) and for CIN grade two (CIN-II))] and differential ( for CIN-I and for CIN-II) decomposition methods, a trend reversal is seen for the linear diattenuation parameter , indicating the structural distortion in the cervical morphology due to the CIN disease. More importantly, with the differential decomposition algorithm, the magnitude of the derived parameter decreases from 0.26 to 0.19 with the progression of CIN, which was not being probed by the polar decomposition method. Our results demonstrate that the differential decomposition of MM holds certain advantages over the polar decomposition method to characterize and probe the structural changes in the cervical tissues with different grades of CIN. Although the quantified individual polarization parameters obtained through both the MM decomposition methods can be used as useful metrics to characterize various optical media, in case of complex turbid media such as biological tissues, incorporation of the differential decomposition technique may yield more efficient information. Also, the study highlights the utilization of MM polarimetry with an appropriate decomposition technique as an efficient diagnostic and characterizing tool in the realm of biomedical clinical research, and various other disciplines.

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