
The influence of rifting on the composition of Kimmeridgian to Barremian mudstones from northern Wollaston Forland, North-East Greenland is investigated by petrographic and mineralogical analyses of the Brorson Halvø-1 and Rødryg­gen-1 cores, and provenance of analysis by zircon U-Pb age dating of nearby sandstones. Mudstone composition varies systematically as a function of the timing of rifting progression and position in the half-graben depositional system. Pyrite primarily precipitated in the early rift to rift climax phases. Euhedral pyrite overgrowths on framboids formed only during the rift climax phase (Lindemans Bugt Formation). Dolomite is the dominant carbonate cement, except for the sediments deposited in the early waning rift phase (Palnatokes Bjerg Formation) where calcite is dominant, and in the late waning rift phase (Stratumbjerg Formation) where siderite dominates. The highest-temperature reactions with precipitation of illite, quartz, ankerite and barite signify sediment burial depths of >2 km prior to exhumation. Uplift-induced fracturing occurred mainly in the early rift to rift acceleration succession (Bernbjerg Formation). Mudstones in the proximal part of the half-graben (Rødryggen-1) include more detrital kaolinite than the distal mudstones (Brorson Halvø-1), which contain more mixed-layer illite-smectite and illite. Vermiculite was deposited only in the proximal part of the basin in the rift climax and waning rift successions. Chlorite was deposited proximally and distally during the waning rift phase, though supply began earlier in the distal part. Fine-grained sediment in the distal part of the half-graben was therefore probably supplied by axial transport from Palaeoproterozoic crystalline rocks and Meso- to Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks located to the north and north-west. This agrees with the zircon provenance signature from outcropping sand-rich facies, where zircon grains with U-Pb ages of 2.0–1.6 Ga are dominant, in addition to common 1.6–0.9 Ga ages, and fewer 2.8–2.6 Ga and 0.47–0.36 Ga ages.

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