
In this paper, we carry out the multielement geochemical characterization of the different geological provinces existing in our study region (southwestern Tinogasta Department in the province of Catamarca, Argentina). We compare the regional geochemical profile with the profile of the sampled mud-clay banks that exist in different environments (valley, foothills, mountains, transitional puna) located in our region. In order to fulfill these goals, we use the geochemical information coming from the georeferenced database topographic map Fiambalá 2769-IV. Then, we apply different multivariate statistical techniques to compare both types of samples. We consider that it is important to understand the geochemical diversity and variability that the study area naturally provides, in order to more accurately calibrate the cultural inferences made in studies of provenance of prehispanic pottery.Statistical analysis shows a clear difference in the chemical profiles of the mud-clay samples and the stream sediment ones located in the cordilleran transitional zone (“Cordillera Frontal”) respect to other areas geological provinces (Famatina System and “Sierras Pampeanas”). However, we could not demonstrate that mud-clay samples of the archaeological area of La Troya alfar (Famatina System) presented a chemical profile that distinguishes them from others coming from similar environments, but in other geological provinces. However, their profile is more homogeneous than that of other samples from the Famatina System. The study demonstrates the high geochemical variability of the Abaucán extensive river basin, because of its geological history and the characteristics of its hydrographic network.

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