
In the global and local analysis of dynamical systems, we assume, in general, that the equations are in a normal form. In presence of symmetries, the equations and the problem domain are invariant under the group formed by these symmetries; in that case, the vector field is equivariant by the action of this group. When, in addition to the symmetries, we have the occurrence of anti-symmetries or reversibility the equations and the problem domain are still invariant by the group formed by the set of all symmetries and anti-symmetries; in this case, the vector field is reversible-equivariant. There are many physical models where both symmetries and anti-symmetries occur naturally and whose effect can be studied in a systematic way through group representation theory. The first step of this process is to put the mapping that model the system in a normal form, and this is done with the deduction of the general form of the vector field. This general form depends on two components: the Hilbert basis of the invariant function ring and also the generators of the module of the revesible-equivariants. In this work, we mainly focus on the applications of recent results of the literature to build a list of general forms of reversible-equivariant mappings under the action of different groups. We also adapt algebraic tools of the existing literature in the equivariant context to the systematic study of coupling of identical cells in the reversible-equivariant context.

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