
Monitoring the ecological integrity of streams is a challenge, especially in the tropics, which experience high rates of degradation. Multimetric scoring systems have been widely used in other countries in evaluating current stream conditions; however, it has never been done in the Philippines. This study focuses on the development of a benthic macroinvertebrate-based multimetric index for the overall assessment of streams in Mt. Apo, Mindanao, Philippines. The index was used to develop existing physicochemical and biological data obtained during 2010 to 2015 surveys from 15 monitoring sites within the Mt. Apo Geothermal Project (MAGP). Metrics related to benthic macroinvertebrate abundance, richness, composition, functional habit groups, functional feeding groups, and pollution tolerance were screened for their range, temporal stability, sensitivity, discrimination efficiency (DE), redundancy, and responsiveness to anthropogenic impacts. The resulting multimetric index, the Mt. Apo Biotic Index (MABI), is computed as the sum of the individual metric scores after metric transformation using the discrete scoring method DRQ1 (D = discrete, R = reference, Q1 = 25th percentile) of the six core metrics: (1) number of Coleoptera individuals (abundance), (2) number of taxa (richness); (3) [%] Coleoptera taxa (composition), (4) number of sprawler individuals (functional habit group), (5) [%] collector-filterer taxa (functional feeding group), and (6) the Biological Monitoring Working Party Thai version (BMWP-Thai; pollution tolerance). MABI scores were classified into five condition ratings of stream biotic integrity: very poor (6 to 10), poor (11 to 15), fair (16 to 20), good (21 to 25), and excellent (26 to 30). The study demonstrated that the resulting pilot index may provide useful information that will benefit policymakers and resource managers in formulating more comprehensive stream management approaches and conservation plans for priority sites in the region.

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