
"The paper presents the studies on the steels samples performed by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The 57Fe isotope is most studied isotope by this method. The first studies were realized in the transmission geometry. Thus were studied industrial Fe-C steels, Fe-Si electrotechnical steels, the action of an organic inhibitor on the corrosion of OL37 steel and the compound formed at the Fe-Sn interface of a babbit bearing. The following studies were concentrated on the surface studies. The development of new detectors for surface studies was accomplish. The corrosion of industrial carbon steel in diluted ammoniacal media was studied. The inhibition effect of three organic compounds on the corrosion of carbon-steel in ammoniacal solutions was determined. The corrosion of industrial carbon steel in HCl solutions was investigated. The inhibition effect of five organic compounds for samples corroded in solutions of HCl were determined. Low carbon Fe-C steel surface has been studied before and after electrolytic galvanisation. "

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