
espanolDocumentar y difundir la musica latinoamericana sigue siendo un desafio que enfrentamos como region. Si bien existen esfuerzos importantes en varios paises, donde estudios, publicaciones y grabaciones de este repertorio aumentan, el camino es aun incipiente frente a la cantidad de material existente. En esta direccion, el presente articulo se propone realizar un primer registro de la musica concebida para la ejecucion del piano con solo la mano izquierda, a partir del interes que han mostrado creadores latinoamericanos por este tipo de obras. Las tablas confeccionadas incluyen el registro de partituras originales y transcripciones de obras de otros autores, escritas entre 1859 y 2019, al tiempo que valida la hipotesis de que Costa Rica es el pais latinoamericano con mayor cantidad de obras para mano izquierda. Ademas, se basa en las fuentes existentes para exponer las caracteristicas de ejecucion de esta literatura pianistica surgida en Europa a finales del siglo XVIII, y realiza un repaso por el comportamiento que ha tenido a lo largo de mas de dos siglos. EnglishDocumenting and spreading Latin American music continues to be a challenge that we still face as a region today. Although there are important efforts in several countries, where studies, publications and recordings of this repertoire continue to grow, we can consider that it is still at an initial stage. Given this fact, this article aims to register, for the first time, music conceived for piano with the left hand only, based on the interest shown by Latin American composers for this kind of work. The tables elaborated include the recording of original works and the transcriptions of works by other authors, written between 1859 and 2019. It also validates the hypothesis that Costa Rica is the Latin American country with the highest number of works written for the left hand. Based on existing sources, it shows the characteristics of the execution for this piano literature that emerged in Europe at the end of the 18th century and reviews the development it has had over two centuries

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