
ABSTRACT Maritime ship classification is essential for effectively monitoring oceanic activities but faces challenges when using heterogeneous remote sensing data. This research presents a novel dataset called Heterogeneous Ship Data, created by combining synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical satellite images of ships. The integration of multimodal data aims to harness the complementary advantages of SAR’s all-weather imaging capabilities and optical data’s higher interretability and shape discrimination. To leverage the heterogeneous dataset, this paper proposes an ensemble deep learning model called MS3Net (Multi-convolutional network using Spatial attention and Second-order pooling for Ship image classification). MS3Net integrates spatial attention mechanisms and second-order pooling. MS3Net has multiple convolutional branches, each tailored to extract distinct representations from the SAR and optical data through varied filter sizes and kernels. The spatial attention units focus the learning on the most informative parts of the image while suppressing irrelevant features. The second-order pooling captures higher-order interactions between feature elements to model complex relationships. A concatenation fusion strategy aggregates the diverse branch outputs into a joint multimodal feature representation for enhanced discrimination. Extensive experiments demonstrate MS3Net’s superior classification accuracy over prior state-of-the-art approaches. The proposed heterogeneous data representation coupled with the attention-based deep ensemble learning model contributes to maritime surveillance by enabling robust ship recognition across diverse sensing modalities.

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