
In this paper we present the spatial resolution enhancement and noise reduction level achieved with an optimized inductively coupled surface coil specifically designed for our experiments. The technique of designing and implementing customized coils for magnetic resonance imaging of very small structures is described. We have designed a low cost prototype of an inductively coupled circular surface coil, tuned for 1H magnetic resonance imaging at 200 MHz. The coil is mounted on a customized teflon support. The inductive coupling used in this coil improves the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing various loss mechanisms (specially the dielectric losses). Test images have been acquired to determine the evolution of induced articular lesions in a rabbit animal model, as well as brain tumors in rats. The images show high spatial resolution, excellent B 1 field homogeneity and no “hot spots”. Comparing these images with those acquired with conventional coils, one finds better spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, as well as larger field of view with less intense illumination artifact. The methodology can be used in any application that requires high quality imaging of small structures.

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