
The objective of this study was to compare the conventional sialography with MR sialography in a series of patients with iatrogenic sialocele (sialocyst). 50 salivary glands in 39 patients with suspected inflammatory disease of the salivary gland underwent conventional sialography and MR sialography. Out of these 39 patients, 6 patients (age range: 16-35 years; 4 males and 2 females; mean age: 23.8 years) had sialoceles and formed our study group. MR sialography findings were compared with conventional sialography findings regarding demonstration of ductal anatomy, the cyst and its communication with the ductal system. MR sialography demonstrated the site of communication of the sialocyst with the ductal system in all six patients. MR provided additional information over conventional sialography in five cases. In four cases, the ductal system proximal to the cyst was not opacified on digital sialography but was well visualized in all cases by MR sialography. Constructive interference in steady-state (CISS) sequence demonstrated the intraglandular ducts and communication of cysts with ducts better than half-fourier acquisition single-shot turbo-spin echo (HASTE) images. Our preliminary results suggest that MR sialography is a robust, non-invasive method for demonstrating the ductal system up to second-order branches, the site of ductal injury and the focal cystic lesion. MR provided at least the same information as conventional sialography in the evaluation of site of communication but provided additional information about the sialocyst and upstream ductal system in five cases. Being a non-invasive modality, we recommend MR sialography as the investigation of choice in the evaluation of an iatrogenic sialocyst.

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