
Local wisdom is seen as relevant to learning mathematics, because local wisdom is a product culture that includes philosophy, values, norms, ethics, rituals, beliefs, habits, customs, and so on. The concept of mathematics introduces children to different ideas, beliefs, values, and cultures and even relates to teaching children's values ​​and attitudes. Local wisdom (Culture) found in the Tanimbar Archipelago Regency is Tanimbar woven cloth, plaiting, traditional houses, fine art statues and ancestral relics. The culture found in the Tanimbar Islands Regency has mathematical aspects that can be used as a learning resource. The goal is to produce mathematics learning guidelines based on local wisdom. The method used is the development method in the form of training. The stages in overcoming problems that occur in elementary and junior high schools in Adodo Fordata Village consist of Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Reflection. The results of research related to local wisdom (culture) of the Tanimbar Islands Regency related to culture-based mathematics learning (ethnomathematics). Ethnomathematics is a combination of culture and mathematics which is conceptualized in a mathematical exploration of the Tanimbar culture. The impact of this community service contributes to educators in teaching so that the surrounding culture can be preserved to maintain local wisdom

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