
Intranet technology is the application of Internet tools in local networks. Due to the diversification of hardware and the need for international cooperation, cross-platform systems with network access are required for computer-based training (CBT). The latest advances in Web technology make it feasible to have interactive CBT on the Web: Web-based training (WBT). It is possible to convert existing interactive learning programs to Intranet technology. This approach combines the evaluated contents of excellent learning resources with the technical advantages of Web technology. 'Mr Lewis' is a case about pulmonary embolism, developed by Harold Sox, M.D., working with one of the authors, and peer-reviewed at Dartmouth Medical School (DMS), where it is now being used in the third-year clerkship in Internal Medicine as one of several CBT programs assigned to students in the clerkship. The process and the tools necessary to convert an interactive learning program to Intranet technology are described. International cooperation for CBT development is much more effective with this technique than with conventional platform-dependent stand-alone software. Web-based training can play an important role in the education of medical students and doctors.

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