
To determine if there is a correlation between the degree of delayed increase in signal intensity (SI) of muscle after exercise on magnetic resonance (MR) images and the amount of ultrastructural (ULS) injury and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), MR imaging-guided muscle biopsy was performed to obtain tissue from the legs of nine sedentary subjects 48 hours after downhill running on a treadmill. The degree of soreness was subjectively graded. T1-weighted, spin-density, T2-weighted, and short inversion time inversion-recovery images were obtained before and after biopsy, at 48 and 96 hours after exercise, respectively. The delayed SI increase of muscle on images obtained before biopsy was subjectively graded and measured. The degree of ULS injury was determined with electron micrographs. Serum creatine kinase levels were obtained before and up to 144 hours after exercise at 24-hour intervals. The measured SI, SI grades, and DOMS grades were correlated with the degree of ULS injury. Linear regression analysis revealed poor correlation between the DOMS grades and the degree of ULS injury and good correlation between the SI grade and the degree of ULS injury.

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