
The purpose of this study is to describe the MR arthrogram appearance of the postoperative glenoid labrum and to describe the features consistent with recurrent tear. We identified 30 patients who had undergone glenoid labral repair, had a subsequent MR arthrogram of his or her shoulder, and went on to repeat shoulder arthroscopy. Each MR arthrogram was reviewed blindly, and the glenoid labrum was described as normal, irregular, or torn. Additional findings recorded included the presence or absence of a paralabral cyst and suture anchors in the glenoid. The operative report was also reviewed for each patient to determine the status of the labrum at arthroscopy. Following consensus review, 18/30 MRIs were felt to demonstrate recurrent glenoid labral tear, 11/30 showed an irregular labrum, and 1/30 was called normal. The radiology impression regarding the presence or absence of a recurrent glenoid labral tear agreed with the operative report in 24/30 (80%) cases, and was discrepant in six. This equals 83.3% sensitivity and 81.8% specificity of MR arthrogram in the diagnosis of recurrent labral tear in this study. A paralabral cyst was present in 3/30 (10%) cases, all three of which were torn. MR arthrogram findings of signal equal to gadolinium or fluid within or underlying the glenoid labrum and markedly diminutive or absent labrum were the most useful features to diagnose recurrent tear. Some signal underlying the labrum, which is confined to the anterosuperior quadrant, may be normal. The secondary finding of a paralabral cyst was also highly sensitive for recurrent tear.

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