
Context: Several studies reported the impact of JAK2V617F allele burden on phenotypic properties and clinical course in Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (Ph-negative MPNs). We aimed to analyze the association of mutated JAK2V617F allele burden with clinical phenotype and laboratory characteristics in essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) patients. Objective: A total of 202 consecutive Philadelphia-negative MPN patients, 118 with ET and 84 with PMF, were included in this study. Methods: We used a real-time, semi-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with JAK2 MutaScreen assay (Ipsogen, Luminy Biotech, Marseille, France) to screen JAK2V617 mutations and mutant allele burden. Results: According to the JAK2V617F status, ET patients were stratified into three groups: JAK2V617F mutation-negative (n=54) and JAK2V617F-positive with mutant allele burden in the lower quartile (n=59) and upper quartile (n=5) ranges. ET patients with upper quartile JAK2V617F allele burden had significantly lower Hgb levels (p=0.001), lower Htc levels (p=0.001), and higher LDH levels (p=0.008) as compared to the other two groups. Also, ET patients with upper quartile JAK2V617F allele burden had significantly increased spleen size and higher bleeding complications (p=0.034; 0.002; respectively). We observed significant association between ET patients with high JAK2V617F allele burden and higher death rates (p=0.007). There was a trend towards higher incidence of venous thrombosis in ET patients with upper quartile JAK2V617F allele burden (p=0.057). According to JAK2V617F status, PMF patients were stratified into three groups: JAK2V617F mutation-negative (n=25) and JAK2V617F-positive with mutant allele burden in the lower quartile (n=41) and upper quartile (n=18) ranges. Comparison across all three groups revealed significant associations between upper quartile allele burden and higher leukocyte counts (p=0.001). Also, PMF patients with upper quartile JAK2V617F allele burden had significantly increased spleen size compared to the other two groups (p=0.018). We observed significant association between PMF patients with low JAK2V617F allele burden and higher incidence of venous thrombosis (p=0.035). Conclusion: Our study reported that presence of higher V617F allele burden in ET is associated with defined haematological and clinical markers indicative of a more aggressive behavior while, in PMF, low allele burden was found to be associated with higher incidence of venous thrombosis.

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