
The article considers issues related to the implementation of the methodology of project management in the field of public administration. The achievements of the value-oriented project methodology, which have not yet adequately worked out in professional publications on public administration in Ukraine, are considered. Based on the terminology definitions proposed in the knowledge system of PMI standards, a comparative review of the main aspects of project management in the context of public administration carried out. Based on the study of the current state of the general theory of systems, its division into «hard» and «soft» system approaches considered and their main differences presented. A «soft» system approach related to intangible categories refers to such poorly formalized concepts as motivation, dynamic leadership, and a hierarchy of values, devotion, and diligence. The study emphasizes that the objects of transformation in project management are artificial and natural systems, and the basis for project-based management of system development is the concepts of 5P, 4P and 3P. Existing concepts, models and methods of development management through projects analyzed. Based on the analysis of the dominant organizational values in projects and their compliance with established project management practices, it was estimated that the management of development projects should viewed from the perspective of a fundamentally new paradigm - as a systemic development activity based on the theory of value evolution. Consideration of value-oriented development management through projects allows a methodology development for evolutionary development of territories, based on a systematic approach and studying the dominant values of the community. In the study, it is determined that although the project approach increasingly used in Ukraine to manage the development of territories, for many acute problems there is no program management and almost no portfolio management of development. The problems of incomplete application of the methodology of project management in the system of public development management in Ukraine highlighted. The using of the value-oriented methodology of project management for management of regional development of regions will improve the quality of planning and efficiency of the implementation of projects and programs. The current regulatory framework for the development and implementation of state target programs, which regulated by the laws of Ukraine, does not meet the requirements of time. Therefore, Ukraine needs improving of the legislative framework for state programs and mass retraining of all levels managers to master the methodology and project management tools.


  • The article considers issues related to the implementation of the methodology of project management in the field of public administration

  • The study emphasizes that the objects of transformation in project management are artificial and natural systems, and the basis for project-based management of system development is the concepts of 5P, 4P and 3P

  • Uprovadzhennia tsinnisno-oriientovanoho proektnoho menedzhmentu v sferi derzhavnoho upravlinnia [Іmplementation of valuable-oriented project management in the sphere of public administration]

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Сучасний стан українського суспільства показує, що система державного управління не www.aspects.org.ua відповідає адекватно змінам, які виникають, і через це проблеми суспільства стають предметом теоретичних досліджень уже після того, як вони досить загострилися. Проведені дослідження показують, що люди, залучені до розробки та реалізації державних проектів та програм, часом лише поверхово знайомі з методологією управління проектами, що суперечить задоволенню нагальної потреби суспільства – швидкому здійсненню реформ. Управління проектами широко застосовує системний підхід для реалізації змін, що охоплюють значне коло наукових дисциплін та прикладних знань.

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