
This study discusses the implementation of Polmas (community policing) which is done by members of Bhabinkamtibmas (People’s security and order supervising officer). The Banjarmasin police are collaborating with FKPM through a problem-solving programme. The goal is to find supporting and inhibiting factors, and identify a Polmas implementation model in an effort to prevent the occurrence of crime in Banjarmasin. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in accordance with the main objectives of the research, namely to study, describe and analyse data and information according to needs. The techniques used were through observation, interviews and documentation.This study focuses on several topics related to a problem which lifted that is to know and analyse the factors that support and hinder the implementation of community policing. This is an effort to prevent crime in Banjarmasin by using information based on Theory George C. Edward III, who held the view that policy implementation is influenced by four factors, namely: 1) communication; 2) resources; 3) disposition; and, 4) bureaucracy structure. To obtain an effective and efficient model for implementing Polmas programme policies in Banjarmasin using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) approach by considering internal factors consisting of strength and weakness components and external factors consisting of opportunity and threat components.In this study it was found that the implementation of the Polmas / Community policing policy in the city of Banjarmasin had been carried out well due to the accuracy of the appointment of the right program implementers, the acceptance of the program by the targeted community members and the active role of the potential community involved in implementing the policy, but this was not the case. Without any obstacles that must be overcome, for example budget constraints in implementation, program implementers / Bhabinkamtibmas who have other duties, there is a public perception that the responsibility of Kamtibmas is only on the security forces and the legal awareness of citizens is low. This research is expected to have significant practical benefits for readers and related institutions - especially police institutions - in implementing policies. It can provide positive information for police officers, especially those carrying out Polmas duties, while tasked with maintaining security and public order through preventing the occurrence of crime in their respective areas of duty. Keywords: Implementation, Community Policing, Bhabinkamtibmas and problem-solving DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-8-04 Publication date: April 30 th 2022

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