
Introduction to communication and resource sharing through the Internet and the World Wide Web is included in the compulsory course of informatics (nowadays - information technology) in Lithuanian comprehensive schools. There are two tracks: the first level is designed for basic schools (grade 9-10, e.g. age 15-16), the second one for secondary schools (grade 11-12, e.g. age 17-18). It is a short course (altogether approximately 20 hours). The paper presents an analysis of Mozilla Internet application suite using at comprehensive schools. The main reasons to discuss this topic are following: 1) the programs' suite was fully localized into Lithuanian; 2) using one Mozilla application suite for teaching the Internet topics instead of separated the Internet applications (web browser, HTML composer, e-mail and chat clients) has many advantages. Mozilla localization issues are presented. The new features, added to Mozilla during its localization, are described and their usage in teaching and learning is introduced.

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