
Carbon doping of GaAs with carbon tetrabromide (CBr 4 ) in low pressure MOVPE has been investigated and applied to the fabrication of GaInP/GaAs HBTs. Especially the hydrogen incorporation and the associated acceptor passivation has been studied. The hydrogen found in single GaAs:C layers is predominantly incorporated during cooling the sample under AsH 3 after growth. n-Type capping layers can block this H indiffusion and GaAs:C base layers in HBTs show much lower H concentrations than GaAs:C single layers without a cap. A further reduction of acceptor passivation is possible by optimization of the growth procedure. First HBTs processed from layers with a base that was doped using CBr 4 show promising DC and HF performance (β = 45, f T = 26 GHz for 2 X 20 μm 2 devices).

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