
The implementation, diffusion and adoption of e-government in the public sector has been a topic that has been debated by the research community for some time. In particular, the limited adoption of e-government services is attributed to factors such as the heterogeneity of users, lack of user-orientation, the limited transformation of public sector and the mismatch between expectations and supply. In this editorial, we review theories and factors impacting implementation, diffusion and adoption of e-government. Most theories used in prior research follow mainstream information systems concepts, which can be criticized for not taking into account e-government specific characteristics. The authors argue that there is a need for e-government specific theories and methodologies that address the idiosyncratic nature of e-government as the well-known information systems concepts that are primarily developed for business contexts are not equipped to encapsulate the complexities surrounding e-government. Aspects like accountability, digital divide, legislation, public governance, institutional complexity and citizens' needs are challenging issues that have to be taken into account in e-government theory and practices. As such, in this editorial we argue that e-government should develop as an own strand of research, while information systems theories and concepts should not be neglected.

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