
Identity is a key organizational construct that “can be linked to nearly everything” (Alvesson, Ashcraft, & Thomas, 2008: 5); subsequently, within the organizational and behavioral sciences, it has garnered much scholarly attention. A wide array of identity-based processes and experiences have been studied, including the processes whereby identities are formed (i.e., identity construction) and altered (i.e., identity work), as well as various identity-implicating experiences, such as identity threats and opportunities, and identity conflict. This tremendous scholarly interest has resulted in myriad studies and numerous identity-related constructs. The proliferation of and lack of clarity among identity-related concepts resulting from this prolonged theory building stage has contributed to construct proliferation and a lack of clarity among identity-based concepts. Further, a lack of integration across identity-based studies makes it difficult to generalize research findings and contributes to an absence of encompassing models. Continuing this fragmented approach will contribute to conceptual ambiguity and confusion for the field, decreasing researchers’ confidence in the knowledge generated and inhibiting further progress. This symposium aims to advance identity research by fostering greater clarity and theoretical integration among identity-related constructs and processes. Presentations focused on identity resources and identity coherence address this theme via identity construction and its outcomes, and papers on identity enactment and identity conflict integrate existing knowledge pertaining to existing identities. As a whole, this symposium forges a pathway towards the next stage in this research: construct convergence (via definitional clarity and measurement development) and more theory testing. Oh, I Need (to be) That!: A Model of Identity Resource Creation Presenter: Mailys George; IESE Business School Presenter: David Sluss; ESSEC Business School Capturing Identity Dynamics: A Network-Based Approach to Identity Construction Processes Presenter: Karoline Strauss; ESSEC Business School Presenter: Julija Mell; Erasmus U. Rotterdam Presenter: Frederik Anseel; UNSW Sydney Business School, Australia Latent Identities: Internalizing a Role without “Doing” It Presenter: Elise B. Jones; U.S. Coast Guard Academy Presenter: Judith R Gordon; Boston College Identity Conflict in the Workplace: An Integrative Review Presenter: Heather Ciara Vough; George Mason U. Presenter: Teresa Cardador; U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Presenter: Brianna Barker Caza; U. of North Carolina at Greensboro Presenter: Emily D. Campion; U. of Iowa

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