
We compare the structural properties of galaxies formed in cosmological simulations using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code GADGET with those using the moving-mesh code AREPO. Both codes employ identical gravity solvers and the same sub-resolution physics but use very different methods to track the hydrodynamic evolution of gas. This permits us to isolate the effects of the hydro solver on the formation and evolution of galactic gas disks in GADGET and AREPO haloes with comparable numerical resolution. In a matching sample of GADGET and AREPO haloes we fit simulated gas disks with exponential profiles. We find that the cold gas disks formed using the moving mesh approach have systematically larger disk scale lengths and higher specific angular momenta than their GADGET counterparts across a wide range in halo masses. For low mass galaxies differences between the properties of the simulated galaxy disks are caused by an insufficient number of resolution elements which lead to the artificial angular momentum transfer in our SPH calculation. We however find that galactic disks formed in massive halos, resolved with 10^6 particles/cells, are still systematically smaller in the GADGET run by a factor of ~2. The reasons for this are: 1) The excessive heating of haloes close to the cooling radius due to spurious dissipation of the subsonic turbulence in GADGET; and 2) The efficient delivery of low angular momentum gaseous blobs to the bottom of the potential well. While this large population of gaseous blobs in GADGET originates from the filaments which are pressure confined and fragment due to the SPH surface tension while infalling into hot halo atmospheres, it is essentially absent in the moving mesh calculation, clearly indicating numerical rather than physical origin of the blob material.

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