
Emotion recognition is a fundamental neurocognitive capacity that is a critical predictor of interpersonal function and, in turn, mental health. Although people with Parkinson's disease (PD) often exhibit difficulties recognizing emotions, almost all studies to date have focused on basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust), with little consideration of how more cognitively complex self-conscious emotions such as contempt, embarrassment, and pride might also be affected. Further, the few studies that have considered self-conscious emotions have relied on high intensity, static stimuli. The aim of the present study was to therefore provide the first examination of how self-conscious emotion recognition is affected by PD using a dynamic, dual-intensity measure that more closely captures how emotion recognition judgements are made in daily life. People with PD (n = 42) and neurotypical controls (n = 42) completed a validated measure of self-conscious facial emotion recognition. For comparative purposes, in addition to a broader clinical test battery, both groups also completed a traditional static emotion recognition measure and a measure of self-conscious emotional experience. Relative to controls, the PD group did not differ in their capacity to recognize basic emotions but were impaired in their recognition of self-conscious emotions. These difficulties were associated with elevated negative affect and poorer subjective well-being. Difficulties recognizing self-conscious emotions may be more problematic for people with PD than difficulties recognizing basic ones, with implications for interventions focused on helping people with this disorder develop and maintain strong social networks. This is the first direct investigation into how the recognition of self-conscious emotion is affected in Parkinson's disease using dynamic, dual-intensity stimuli, thus providing an important extension to prior literature that has focused solely on basic emotion recognition and/or relied on static, high-intensity stimuli. Results revealed preserved basic facial emotional recognition coexisting with impairment in all three self-conscious emotions assessed, therefore suggesting that the latter stimuli type may function as a more sensitive indicator of Parkinson's disease-related social cognitive impairment. Problems with self-conscious emotion recognition in people with Parkinson's disease were associated with poorer broader subjective well-being and increased negative affect. This aligns with the broader literature linking interpersonal difficulties with poorer clinical outcomes in this cohort.

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