
One of the several roles partaken by academicians in institutions of higher education in Malaysia is the quest in publication. The objective of establishing a critical mass of researchers and knowledge corpus that enable Malaysia to reach the global standard of technology creation and innovation as clearly stated in the newly launched October 2007 Strategic Action Plan of the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia Thrust Number 5, would aptly be manifested in the presentation and documenting all forms of research and innovation through publication. This paper examines the expansive opportunities for academicians to keep in track with the local and global needs, not only in manifestation of the Fifth Thrust, but also of the Seventh Thrust in the strategic plan i.e. activating internationalisation initiative. Nonetheless, this also includes active participation in publication in international journals, as a result of active research and innovation activities within and outside the university. A presentation of this nature, should provide a clearer insights of what it takes and what entails, as far as publication is concerned, to help place Malaysian academic excellence at par in the global arena. Besides, it also seeks to assist potential prolific contributors to get published in international journals. A reminder to all, as this is race of the era, if not participated, academicians can remain in the closet of complacency which has always been proven to be quite lethal as the notion of ‘publish or perish’ still holds strong and this affects self-development academically throughout one’s career.


  • Desirable and undesirable effects on the genuine aspiration of academicians that is to excel in teaching, research and publication or providing professional services

  • Ideal components in original research manuscript are scheduled as follows for effective referencing, but not necessarily true for international journals publication

  • Several types of journals are available for academicians to attempt for publication and one of these includes Journal Impact Factor (J.I.F.)

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Rationale to publish

Pressing the demand to publish, there are academicians who write for several drives One of these is for peer assessment in which the approach is used to develop faculty members the ability to work cooperatively, to be critical of others’ work and receive critical appraisals of their own work. In every institution of higher education, publication is a criteria for possible promotion in an academic career path and due to this it has been a mandatory ‘sentence’ which requires faculty staff to fulfill to meet the requirement Besides this push factor to publish, for some faculty member writing has been due to strong motives for the interest and to some of them publication is considered as one of the best ways for academicians to make contributions to the society and to be recognized professionally. Whether it is for the senior or junior faculty members, there are important websites that may provide the platform for academic excellence as far as publication is concerned

Criteria that renders for publication
Suggested format for publication
Some considerations in the international opportune
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Full Text
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