
Parasites were collected from over 400 albacore (Thunnus alalunga) caught by surface trolling and longlining in the south-west Pacific between 1985 and 1988. Parasites found included 1 apicomplexan, 3 nematode species, 4 cestode species, 1 acanthocephalan, 12 digenean species and 3 copepod species. Twelve of these parasite species which could be accurately recognised and counted were used in the subsequent analyses. Parasite data from albacore caught around New Zealand show a decrease in prevalence of three didymozoid parasites with increasing fish length up to a fork length of 70 to 79 cm. The subsequent increase in prevalence of these didymozoids in large longline-caught fish is consistent with fish returning from spawning in tropical waters where re-infection is presumed to occur. Albacore collected at widely separate locations in the south-west Pacific have differences in parasite prevalence, supporting an hypothesis that juvenile albacore move south to New Zealand from the tropics and do not return until the onset of sexual maturity. Albacore appear to move along the subtropical convergence zone, as indicated by a decline in prevalence and abundance ofAnisakis simplex andHepatoxylon trichiuri from New Zealand to the central South Pacific. This is supported by tagging and seasonal movements of the fishery.

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