
Waste banks and households in Indonesia have handled the problem of organic and inorganic waste through the principle of recycling. Plastic waste is a very serious problem to manage because it takes thousands of years to decompose plastic waste. Waste processing needs to change the pattern of waste management which is based on the collection and handling of waste, both organic and inorganic waste (especially plastic waste). The Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA) for the Special Region of Yogyakarta has been overloaded so that the Yogyakarta City Government at the end of 2022 issued a circular letter of the Zero Inorganic Waste Movement (GZSA). Household inorganic waste is prioritized to be taken to the waste bank in each region, including plastic waste. The purpose of the service is to facilitate a plastic shredder machine at the Notoprajan Garbage Bank Association to process plastic into small pieces. The results of the evaluation showed that most members of the waste bank association did not know how to operate a thrasher, were not yet able to operate a thrasher, and did not have the courage to operate a thrasher during trials. But most were willing to operate a chopper, knew how to maintain the machine, and were willing to perform frequent maintenance. Most members of the association will need a plastic shredder machine in the future.

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