
Most people believe in a statement that ‘All men are same’, even most men have taken this thing for granted that at the end they are going to be entitled to the same statement. So most of them hardly try to question the basis of the same. A few men engaged in humanities or social sciences are aware of things otherwise most of the men merely step in this tangled zone of masculinity-femininity or the bigger picture as gender. It has been taken for granted that gender studies mean women studies, homosexuality is not even landed yet, there are no such concepts like masculinity/femininity/gender-inequality etc. Without questioning or inquiring the system, blindly believing later following whatever one has been asking to perform is the current state of role-performance of the society. Forget about gender equality. Still, men are not aware of how their deeds disadvantage their female counterparts. The paper investigates the ways in which sex-roles were assigned/imposed, implied and performed and these sex-roles/stereotypes lead to identity assertion, conflict, violence etc. that results into disadvantaging women from their fundamental rights.


  • Most people believe in a statement that ‘All men are same’, even most men have taken this thing for granted that at the end they are going to be entitled to the same statement

  • La mayoría de las personas cree en la idea que "todos los hombres son iguales", incluso la mayoría de los hombres han dado esto por sentado

  • Young males, adult males

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Masculine Phase in the Modification

Newton’s first law of motion (law of inertia) precisely explains the cause of drift in masculine phase. Age of Post-Enlightenment (1800-1900) and Age of Globalization (1900-2000) turned the whole conservative society upside down They are like two-half, in which, first half set the plot and second-half decided to act. The age of Digitalization (2000-present) has unbiasedly provided a platform (for both men/women of any class, caste, colour, race etc.) to achieve what one had imagined/worked (outcasting old by starting fresh or maintaining old) for so far. This platform laced with equal-access to opportunities is beneficial for both oppressor and oppressed. Guards of masculine phase tried/trying to suppress these novelties/anomalies, but at present, the masculine phase has been challenged so far and propelled in the midst of identity/masculine identity-crisis by these anomalies/tradition-shattering complements

Crisis in Masculinity and Identity
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