
Reproductive cells are a very special kind of material for the analysis. Depending on the species, their dimensions allow for the application of mass spectrometry imaging-based techniques to receive a reasonable data for interpretation of their condition without any additional sample preparation steps, except for typical sample preparation characteristic for IMS protocols. A comparison between lipid profiles of oocytes could answer the question of the overall quality of the cells in the function of time or conditions of storage. Even tiny differences in the lipid profiles, but still detectable by bioinformatic analysis, could be crucial for the estimation of the conditions of the cells in various stages of development or aging. In our study, MALDI-TOF/TOF MSI was used to analyze and visualize the single oocytes. We deposited the cells on the transparent indium-tin-oxide (ITO) glass and marked their positions, which allowed for the fast localization of the cells and precise laser targeting in the ion source. We also optimized the usage of different MALDI matrices and different approaches. The proposed way of measurement allows analyzing quite a significant quantity of oocytes in a reasonably short time. During the analysis, the lipid composition of the single cell was successfully estimated in a conventional usage of the MALDI ion source, and the localization of lipids was confirmed by imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) analysis. The observed quantity of the lipids allowed for the application of the LIFT™ technique to obtain MS/MS spectra sufficient for lipids’ unambiguous identification. We hope that our idea of the oocyte analysis will help to elucidate chemical changes that accompany different processes in which oocytes are involved. There could be such fascinating phenomena as the oocyte maturation, changes in the lipid components during their storage, and much more.

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