
Stroke, a neurological disorder, has emerged as a formidable health challenge in India, with its incidence on the rise. Increased risk factors, which also correlate with economic prosperity, are linked to this rise, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol intake. Particularly worrisome is the impact on young adults, a pivotal segment of India's workforce. Stroke encompasses various clinical subtypes and cerebrovascular disorders (CVDs), contributing to its multifaceted nature. Globally, stroke's escalating burden is concerning, affecting developing nations. To combat this trend effectively and advance prevention and treatment strategies, comprehensive and robust data on stroke prevalence and impact are urgently required. In India, these encompass individuals with elevated BMIs, and those afflicted by hypertension, diabetes, or a familial history of stroke. Disparities in stroke incidence and prevalence manifest across India, with differences in urban and rural settings, gender-based variations, and regional disparities. Early detection, dietary changes, effective risk factor management, and equitable access to stroke care are required to address this issue. Government initiatives, like the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) 2019, provide guidelines, but effective implementation and awareness campaigns are vital. Overcoming barriers to stroke care, especially in rural areas, calls for improved infrastructure, awareness campaigns, and support systems. Data standardization and comprehensive population studies are pivotal for informed public health policies.

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