
Evaporation was measured along three altitudinal transects on Mauna Loa, on the island of Hawai'i. Stations lie between 70 and 3400 m a.s.l. and included environments ranging from tropical rainforest with 6 m year −1 annual rainfall to barren, subalpine lava fields in a dry environment above a persistent, subsidence temperature inversion. Average daily evaporation decreased with elevation between sea-level and about 1200 m, and then increased with elevation above that level. Evaporation minima ranged from 1.9 to 2.2 mm day −1. The maximum evaporation rate, 6.1 mm day −1, was at the highest site, Mauna Loa Observatory at 3400 m. Analysis of pan-evaporation data collected at 3400 m showed that standard formulae based on other meteorological variables provided good approximations of measured evaporation. Transect data were also compared with similar measurements from mountains on other Hawaiian islands.

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