
Mount Timpoong-Hibok Hibok Natural Monument (MTHNM) is a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) located in the island of Camiguin, Mindanao, Philippines. As a Protected Area (PA), it is governed by the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) and was nominated as one of the ASEAN Heritage Park in 2014. This paper sought to describe and appraise the significance of the natural monument and protected area in the context of ecotourism. It employed qualitative method of gathering data, such as focused group discussion, key informant interviews, and transect walks. Results of the study revealed that the natural monument is rich in biodiversity, has been a research and learning area for scientists, researchers and students and is the main source of potable water and irrigation for the municipalities of Mambajao, Mahinog, Sagay and Catarman. Cultural beliefs and traditions of the indigenous people in the area are still being practiced. In the management of the natural monument, there is a partnership and collaboration with LGUs, NGOs, POs, IPs and academic institutions as stakeholders. It can be concluded that the site has great potential in becoming one of the next ASEAN heritage park. However, a more efficient and effective biodiversity monitoring system is recommended.

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