
Summary Loske, K.-H. & Lederer, W. 1988. Moult, weight and biometrical data for some Palaearctic passerine migrants in Zambia. Ostrich 59:1-7. Twelve Palaearctic passerine species were observed and trapped in February/March in Central Zambia. For Sand Martin, European Swallow, European Sedge Warbler, Great Reed Warbler, Willow Warbler and Tree Pipit weights, measurements and moult stages are given. In Sand Martin and European Swallow no correlation between weight and moult was found. Primary and secondary moult was in progress in both species. Tail moult was more advanced in European Swallows. European Sedge Warbler moult showed little synchronization between individuals, and irregular moult was often recorded. Willow Warblers showed unusually high weights and little synchronization within secondary moult. The majority of the birds investigated showed moult of the body plumage. The results are discussed in comparison with data from other parts of Africa.

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