
Neuromuscular adaptation at the onset of resisted exercise can be observed as increases in torque and surface electromyography. The effect of learning the motor task has been hypothesized to contribute to these early increases, especially for older people. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the facilitatory effects of practice on motor performance in older adults during short-term isokinetic training of the ankle dorsiflexors (DF). Twenty-eight men and women (M = 76.3 +/- 4.6 years) volunteered for a 2-week, 3-days/week strength training program. They were tested in a sitting position on a KinCom isokinetic dynamom eter at 30, 90, and 180° s-1 through 40° of DF movement (concentric and eccentric contractions). Criterion curves of lever arm angle patterns were cross-correlated with subject-generated angle patterns, showing significantly better correlations on posttest versus baseline. Smoothness and proficiency of muscle contraction improved with practice by fewer hesitations in movement and increased ability to change between concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. Increased agonist electromyography and torque were hypothesized to be secondary to greater neural drive and/or synchronization of motor unit firing rate and/or recruitment during maximal voluntary contraction, improved coordination, and adapted neural control of concentric and eccentric muscle contraction.

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