
Drug-induced convulsions—often caused by the inhibition of GABA receptors and stimulation of glutamate receptors—are difficult to predict in animals. In this study, we attempted to detect the proconvulsant potential using motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) after focal electrical stimulation or upon using a functional observational battery (FOB). Pentylenetetrazole, kainic acid, and pilocarpine were used as convulsion-inducing drugs, and baclofen was used as a negative control. First, each compound was administered to male rats, and the FOB tests were performed. All drugs induced behavioral changes, but no commonality was found. Single electrical stimulation train MEPs were recorded under anesthesia for 60 min (at 5 min intervals) after administration of each drug. A dose-dependent increase in MEPs was observed for each convulsion-inducing drug. Moreover, paired electrical stimulation (conditioned and test) of the cerebral motor cortex was conducted with a 1–15 ms interstimulus interval (ISI), 10 min after administration of the drug. All convulsion-inducing drugs inhibited the short-interval intracortical inhibition (ISI: 3 ms), which may be associated with GABA. Intracortical facilitation (ISI: 11 ms), related to glutamate, was not enhanced by any drug but was inhibited by pilocarpine. Dose correlation was not found in short-interval intracortical inhibition or intracortical facilitation in any drugs. No changes in MEPs were observed after baclofen administration. These results suggest that it is possible to evaluate the convulsion potential and associated mechanisms using MEP, independent of the behavioral changes. The early identification of convulsion potential using this model will lead to more efficient drug development.

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