
1. Intracellular recordings from crayfish claw motoneuron somata revealed synaptic potentials concurrent with spikes in other specific claw motoneurons when the latter were activated by: a) sensory stimulation; b) antidromic axon stimulation; or c) current injection. 2. These synaptic potentials were studied mainly by signal-averaging one cell's recorded response to antidromic stimulation of another. The interactions thus revealed were: a) central inhibition of the opener excitor (OE) by the opener inhibitor (OI); b) excitation of OI by OE; and c) mutual excitation among all of OI, SCE, and FCE (the slow and fast closer excitors). 3. Central latencies of the connecting pathways lie between 0.5 and 2.0 ms, suggesting monosynaptic cross-connections among these motoneurons. 4. These conclusions are consistent both with earlier data from spike-train analysis (Wiens and Gerstein, 1975) and with the requirements of the control system.

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