
The relevance of the undertaken research is determined by the need to search for and define new approaches to the organization of professional training of future teachers in universities, timely adjustments to the motivational-value aspects of the educational process in higher education, taking into account the trends and challenges of the VUCA world. Purpose of the research: to identify the main motivational-value ideas and preferences of students – future teachers regarding a) the choice of the profession of school teacher and his basic professionally necessary qualities; b) the personal parameters of higher school teacher. Research methods and methodological base. As the main research methods are used: questionnaire survey of 143 students of a Vyatka State University (Russian Federation) using cloud technologies (Google-form); method of scaling empirical data; interpretation method; the methodological basis is the ideas of authoritative teachers about the polymotivation and value aspects of pedagogical activity, about personality-oriented and subjective approaches to interaction with students – future teachers in the process of their professional training at the university; the theory of generations by W. Strauss and N. Hove. Research results. Conclusions about the priority aspects of polymotivation of future teachers regarding the choice of the teaching profession were obtained: love for children (54.9%); cognitive subject motives (from 40 to 50%); social and civic motives (48%); mastering pedagogical communication (up to 33%); influence of institutional and interpersonal mechanisms of socialization in matters of career guidance choice (30%). Facts have been recorded confirming the absence of a decent material remuneration for the work of teacher and its relative difficulty; a low share of the professional choice of students, made under the influence of parents (almost 5%); a low percentage of students – future teachers – representatives of pedagogical dynasties. The scientific novelty of the research is represented by the establishment and recording of pedagogical facts that allow us to detect trends in the development of motivations of future teachers to choose a profession, value foundations and ideas about the ideal of modern general education school teacher and university teacher.

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