
This study examined motivations for engaging in Osun state radio phone in programmes among radio users in Southwest Nigeria. The thrust of the study is to bridge the gap in knowledge by examining motivations for participation in phone-in programmes on Osun state radio and investigate any variations in the radio listeners’ participation in phone-in programmes on Osun state radio in terms of age. To achieve this and in line with the Uses and Gratification Theory upon which the study is premised, Survey and in-depth interview methods were used with a sample size of 384 respondents which were selected randomly for the survey while 5 presenters of the selected phone-in programmes were interviewed and analysed. The findings indicated among other things that the majority of the respondents often participate in phone-in programmes on Osun state radio when the topic of discussion interest them; due to programmes’ format, when a favourite presenter was anchoring. Keywords: Motivations, Phone-ins, Radio, Users DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/81-05 Publication date :June 30 th 2019

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