
The growing obesity epidemic cannot go unnoticed. It is amajor concern leading to fatal health conditions and high socioeconomic costs. Methods for losing weight are continuously being proposed in themedia [1], in the pharmaceutical field [2], in research [3] and in the general healthcare setting [4] – the expanding communication sources in modern times make it possible to distribute health information at most settings. Concurrently, the promotion of unhealthy foods and beverages reaches similar heights. The uneven battle between science and industry creates counterprevailing messages about healthy behaviors. Despite competing health messages, the major key behind successful weight loss is still behavioral changes [5], or put differently, ‘‘lifestyle-medicine’’ according to Egger et al. [6]. Once the desired bodyweight has been achieved, weight maintenance becomes the primary challenge [6]. Previous research shows that frequent contacts and follow-ups significantly increase the chance ofmaintaining newbehaviors [7–9]. In addition, asweight changes impinge upon individuals’ daily life, a supportive and understanding environment is a vital component of sustaining weight. The use of modern technology in weight loss interventions is expanding. By taking advantage of the potentials of technology,

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