
The article describes the study of motivational readiness of cadets of Russian EMERCOM universities to perform professional tasks. The paper identifies the main factors of motivation, which influence the level of cadets' readiness to perform the tasks of professional activity. In addition, the authors also analyze various methods and means that can be used to increase the motivation of cadets in the educational institution, including organizational measures, training and encouragement. The purpose of the article is to analyze and identify the key factors that influence the motivation and readiness of students to study disciplines, especially in the context of education in universities of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. The authors note that such studies are important not only for specialized educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, but also for any other university implementing educational programs in the specialty of fire and technosphere safety. The article also presents the results of the research conducted among the cadets of Russian EMERCOM universities aimed at studying the main factors of motivation and readiness to perform professional tasks. The interrelation of motivation and readiness for learning at all stages of the educational process is analyzed. In the conclusion the authors summarize and conclude that motivational readiness to perform professional tasks is the most important element of an effective educational process. The article will be useful for researchers and teachers dealing with the problems of motivation and professional readiness, as well as for cadets and fire safety professionals who are interested in increasing their motivation and readiness for professional tasks, as well as those who are interested in increasing the motivation and readiness of students to study any topic.

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