
MOOC’s have advantaged many people through the provision of a variety of free online courses with zero learning commitment by prestigious universities around the world. It has attracted the enrolment of millions of people. Despite the millions of participations, drop-out rates are high and this has become the main issue regarding the effectiveness of MOOCs and its delivery system. This study therefore, is a quest to identify motivational factors that have contributed to the completion rates among MOOC course participants in Malaysian context. A descriptive-correlation research design was employed and simple random sampling technique was used to select 100 students from the Faculty of Education from a public university to participate in this study. The response rate of 73% was satisfactory. Results of this study revealed only motivation factors (r=.602, p<.05) was found to be a significant contributor to MOOC completion rates; while gender, ethnicity and program of study were not determining the differences in the use of the MOOC. The findings have provided some insights for lecturers and course administrators to plan and design the use of MOOC in higher education.

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