
The article deals with the problem of motivational aspects creation, definition of motive groups and students’ readiness to perform professional activity of teacher assistants, namely to cooperation with a teacher and teaching children with special needs. Determined, that the effectiveness of the professional training of future teacher assistants is largely due to the motivation for training. The purpose of the article is to analyze the results of study motivation study students and readiness for professional activity and determination of reasons for unpreparedness to fulfill their professional obligations. To study the peculiarities of the motivation of teaching future correctional teachers, the use of the following methods were followed: modified A. Rean, V. Yakunin; questionnaire According to the results of the methodology, the predominance of cognitive motifs of learning, in particular, "to become a highly qualified specialist" and "to receive a scholarship" was found. Dominant the social motivation for learning is "keeping up with classmates", "getting a diploma". The results of the survey showed that most of them students make the choice of the future profession unknowingly, that in the process of education is manifested in insufficient the formation of a positive and active attitude to learning. Low wages in our country repel students to work in the chosen specialty. According to the results of the questionnaire, students are not all ready to work in the inclusive class with children with special needs. A generalized analysis of the results showed the need for professional formation directed motivation of training and readiness for work. The article outlines the reasons for the unpreparedness to fulfill their professional obligations in the process of training in higher education institutions, testing of which will be promising direction of research.

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