
INTRODUCTION:English language is a widely used language that has gained more popularity in the recent years especially in Iraq. This might be due the essentiality of English language in having a better opportunity in obtaining an educational degree, jobs, scholarships for studying abroad, and travel (Hamza, 2007). The demand for being accepted at the English department, College of Education-Garmian University is rapidly increasing year by year. What motivates them study and choose this department is a question that needs an answer so as be developed and supported or improved. It could be said that this study is vital for both the academic staff and the students, since no scientific research in Kurdistan Region dealing with this topic has been published for academic purposes.The concept of motivation has been studied widely, therefore many theories have attempted describe and define it. For example; Maslow's theory of human motivation (1943), Bandora's social learning theory (1977), and Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory SDT (2011) all addresses the concept of motivation.In this study, motivation will be approached from the viewpoint of SDT. SDT was created and developed by Ryan and Deci (2000). STD is one of the main trends in Learning English as second language motivational research (Kreishan, L. J., & Al-Dhaimat, Y, 2013). Basically, student's motivation is linked with student's tendency take part in classroom activities regarding the learning (Humaida, 2012)SDT Ryan and Deci(2000a, p. 54) define the concept of motivation as to be motivated means be moved do something. A person who feels no impetus or inspiration act is thus characterized as unmotivated, whereas someone who is energized or activated toward an end is considered motivated.The concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation have been studied wieldy. According Lepper (1988), intrinsic motivation is doing some thing because the activity is enjoyable, for the sake of learning, and feeling of achievement. Lepper also stated extrinsic motivation is doing something in order avoid punishment, getting rewards, or family appreciation, or other external reasons.Later, Ryan And Deci publish an article entitled Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions, that clearly defined types of motivation. In both developmental and educational practices, both types of motivation have been broadly studied. In this review, depending on the different contemporary researches and theories, the intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation are explained and clearly defined. Since the intrinsic type of motivation reflects the natural human tendency toward learning and assimilating, it remains an essential construct. However, the extrinsic motivation differs in its relative autonomy from the intrinsic one, thus it can either reflect external control or true regulation of self (Ryan And Deci, 2000).Different research and articles have been published in the area of motivation and its role in learning a foreign language. In some of them, the area of the study is related the study conducted in this research. For example, Al-Dhaimat and Kreishan (2013) wrote an article entitled Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Orientation and Achievements in L2 of Arab Learners of English, French and German: A Study from Jordan . Determining the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and orientation of Jordanian undergraduate student towards learning foreign languages were the main purpose of their study. In the study, majoring in English, French, or German at AlHussein Bin Talal University, 166 students completed a questionnaire. The results were opposite expectations, in which no substantial associations among orientation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and achievement were found. In addition, according the instrumental orientation, motivation, and external regulation, significant changes were found among the three groups of students. …

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